Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series "Economics"

Issue №42 | 2014


Miklovda V., Kubiniy N., Kubiniy V.

Clusters as a strategic resource of formation of innovative potential of agroindustrial complex Ukraine. 

The article deals with the basic theory building highlighted the potential of agriculture essence of the national economy, the place of the innovative potential as part of a strategic, which determines the competitiveness of the national economy. The significance of the cluster to form strategic potential of agro-industrial complex of Ukraine logically its formation and position of the component structure. The role of public-private partnerships and Characteristics of its function in the rational functioning of the cluster. Highlights the principles of public-private partnerships, including the place are basic principle of synergy.

Keywords: agriculture, national economy, cluster, innovative potential, public- private partnership. 


Prikhodko V.P.

Machine-building in Ukraine: national protectionism or senergy with the European community? (on the example of car-building industry).

The analysis of the current legislation of Ukraine on state support of investment activity in the automotive industry, public-private partnerships and regulatory liberalization in the automotive industry have made. The potential growth of domestic automobile market was investigated. Perspective measures for increasing production of the automotive industry and protect domestic producers on the basis of world experience are proposed. Targeted tools to support the development of car industry in 2020 are defined. Keywords: automotive, investment, protection of domestic producers, world experience.  


Karachуna N., Vitiuk А., Grebenek І.

Functioning of agricultural engineering of Ukraine and its development potential.

The conditions of operation of agricultural engineering enterprises are analised, the critical analysis of development the industry in terms of production of certain agricultural techniques is made, the basic issues of the negative impact of imports to the market of technique are considered. The threats for development of domestic agricultural engineering is investigated and a space of potential opportunities for the development of enterprises in the industry has been proposed.

Keywords: agricultural machinery, manufactures, imports, machinery.  


Yarema V.I., Shulla R.S., Povidaichyk M.M.

Analysis of alternative behavioral strategies of sawmill industry companies in the market of raw materials and market products.

The article investigates the alternative positioning strategies of sawmill industry companies in the markets of raw materials and finished products. The authors proved that there is a close correlation between the behavior strategies in the markets of raw materials and finished products. Thus the strategy of market of products is usually the base and positioning strategy in the market of raw materials – the derivatives. This paper proposed an approach to classification of strategies on the market of sawmill materials (strategy of standardization and differentiation of dimensional parameters of purchased raw materials) that enable sawmill to minimize the cost of finished products in the specific circumstances of the entity. The comparative analysis of alternative strategies to identify their positive and negative sides was made.

Keywords: strategy of differentiation, strategy of standardization (specialization), sawmill production.  


Cherlenyak I.I., Dyuhovanets O.M.

The innovation technologies as the determinants of the business competitiveness formation.

This article is devoted to research of the role of innovation factor in increasing competitiveness. The place of technology in the intellectual capital of an enterprise and the impact of innovative technology on the development of the company using the resource approach are determined.

Keywords: innovation development, intellectual capital, technology, innovative technology, competitiveness, resource approach.  


Podolchak N., Chepil B.

Evaluation of the impact of management cost on indicators of enterprises gas sector based on the use of correlation and distributive - lagged models.

The presence of any expenditures of the company is reasonable and necessary, provided that their occurrences facilitate the achievement of the company goals. However, the connection between different types of costs with expected results or set of goals is rather difficult to identify. Therefore the problem of identification of such relationships makes use of regulatory controls over expenditures for the purpose of correcting the implementation of process goals inefficient. Most relationships are latent and, consequently, it is extremely important to establish effective models and to identify the relationships between the kinds and the level of expenditures and the resulting indicators that reflect the established goals of the company. Applying regression analysis and distributive-lag models the links between administrative expenses and key performance indicators of gas sector enterprises were identified.

Keywords: administrative costs, indicators of activity - distributive lag model, loyalty, linear relationships.  


Skril V.V., Dyachenko O.M.

 Factors affecting investment potential of industrial enterprises (at the example of PJSC "Poltavaкonditor").

In the article the need of study the investment potential of enterprises is shown, the basic parameters of its evaluation have been considered. The integral indicator of investment potential has been calculated on the example of selected enterprises of Poltava region. Also the strategic vectors of increasing the investment potential of PJSC "Poltavakonditer" were outlined.

Keywords: potential investment, investment attractiveness of a company, investment resources, investment activity.  


Yevtushenko N.

Outsourcing business companies in Ukraine: advantages and disadvantages of using.

The article revealed and established the economic substance of outsourcing, the main purpose of its implementation. It has been set the value and role of outsourcing activity. Analyzed and summarized information on the use of a phased transition to outsourcing of enterprises in the Ukraine. The author determined the main advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing of domestic enterprises. The ways of implementing outsourcing and its main areas in which it is advisable to implement outsourcing.

Keywords: outsourcing, costs, competition, competitive advantage, strategy, specialization, business-process, management, outsourcer, company-outsourcer, enterprise.  


Hazuda L., Gotra V.

The enhancing of innovation activity in the sphere of agricultural production.

This article analyzes the features of the innovation activities of the state in the sphere of agricultural production. The basic causes and factors of slowing the innovations at domestic agricultural enterprises were examined. The principles of public innovation policies for encouraging the innovations proposed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development were generalized. The basic directions of innovation activity of the enterprises in agricultural sector were given.

Keywords: innovations, sphere of agricultural production, enhancing of innovations, innovation development, innovation climate, investment in innovations, model of innovation development.  


Nazarenko I.M.

Scientific concepts of strategic management: the nature, purpose and perspectives.

The article is based on the actuality of the strategic aspects of management in crisis conditions. The article considers the conceptual approaches of strategic management. The author determines term of «concept of strategic management». It investigates the degree of the concept of positioning, resource concept and the concept of dynamic capabilities. The article deals with a comparative analysis of the main provisions. There is also the justification of the application of the actual concepts of management in crisis conditions.

Keywords: dynamic capabilities, competitive advantage, concept, resources, strategy and strategic management.  


Povidaichyk M.M.

The features of strategic planning of the production program at light industry enterprises under uncertainty.

The article highlights the process of forming the production program of the enterprise as a set of two interrelated subprocesses - strategic and operational planning. It implements the classification of factors that affect on the strategic planning of the production program specific to the enterprise. Four levels of uncertainty of the environment and their rise to the formation of the strategy of the company were investigated. It proposed the mathematical model for evaluating the level of uncertainty of the external environment, that basis on the indicators of complexity and variability.

Keywords: strategic planning, production program, the uncertainty of the environment.  


Rodionov Р.

Features development strategies in the airline information economy.

This paper discusses the methods and tools used in the development strategy of the airline. We analyze the level of competition in the field of passenger air transportation and examine the main factors that have an effect and operation of companies in the industry. In particular, the presence in the area is considered substitute products , provided the weather regarding the possible appearance in the art of competing companies , evaluated the impact of suppliers and customers to work the airline to analyze the overall level of competition in the field of passenger traffic . The proposed measures that might lead to increased competitiveness of companies in the industry.

Keywords: information economy, competition, the strategy of the company, civil aviation, passenger air transportation impacts on the level of competition.  


Tendjuk A.O., Geraskina O.A.

The strategic directions of personnel anti-crisis management of a company.

The article analyses the problems of crisis of personnel management and their impact on unemployment. It examines the sources and consequences of a crisis in the sphere of personnel management at the enterprise, features of functioning of enterprise in the conditions of crisis. Are determined the kinds of crises personnel management and development antichrists personnel strategy with the aim of ensuring effective functioning of the enterprise.

Keywords: unemployment, crisis management personnel, staffing, human anti-crisis measures, crisis staffing strategy.  


Slava S.S., Slava S.O., Turok L.V., Babych D.O.

Content comparative analysis of the collaborative networks between universities and enterprises: national and foreign experience.

The authors investigated the examples of business and university collaboration and technology transfer in Ukraine and comparative experience abroad. It was revealed that organizational aspects of enterprise involvement in educational and research activities are not capital-intensive and are valuable for immediate implementation in Ukraine.

Keywords: technology transfer, commercialization of innovation, university and enterprise collaboration.   


Korol M.

The analysis of the leading kinds of scientific human potential in the process of transformation of the educational system of Ukraine.

The article studies the peculiarities of the formation of the scientific human potential in the process of a six-stage transformation of national science after the declaration of independence of Ukraine. It analyses the dynamics of the activity of higher educational institutions of both III-IV level of accreditation, as well as their contribution to the training of scientific and pedagogical staff. All-round attention is given to the analysis of the size of the staff of research institutions and their contribution to the training of post-graduate and doctorate students in view to enhance the scientific-human potential for the economy of the country. Keywords: scientific human potential, stages of transformation of education,  higher educational institutions of the III-IV level of accreditation, scientific and pedagogical staff. Moshak O. The status and trends of agricultural companies functioning. The article highlights the current problems in the functioning of the agricultural enterprises of different legal forms of entities in the Transcarpathian region. It shows the analysis of land resources involved in the production of agricultural products, including agricultural land per one person. Negative tendencies of reducing livestock numbers and providing own food needs of the region were detected.

Keywords: operation of agricultural enterprises, agricultural sphere, agricultural production, land resources, livestock numbers, food needs of the region.  


Kalnitsky A., Kopusyak J.

Sale’s promotion: measures and tools that help in forming marketing activities of enterprise.

The article is devoted to the nature of stimulation marketing policy of the company, as an important component to ensure its effective functioning and analyzes the main problem, and the main advantages and disadvantages of the measures used in the system of sales promotion. This paper deals with activities that help in the formation of the enterprise marketing activities and sales promotion types based on business incentives.

Keywords: incentives, sales, marketing, promotion staff, stimulating consumer.  


Gotra V.V., Rushchak M.U.

Analysis of resource potential Transcarpathian region.

The paper researches the development trend of farm Transcarpathian region. The basic performance of farms for 2006-2012 years, including by regions of Transcarpathia and indicators of the main components of the resource potential of farms Transcarpathia. Keywords: farms, farms resource potential, agricultural producers, reformed agricultural formation, agricultural land. Levchak I.I. The value of the enterprise as the criterion of management efficiency. This paper examines the role of maximization the value of enterprise in system of performance indicators in the context of the concept of value based management. In the article author substantiated the complexity of this criterion, defined the basic aspects of the use of different kinds of business value for making decision.

Keywords: business value, value of enterprise, business valuation, value based management.  


Slava S.S., Galagurych V.V.

Diversification as effective mechanism of enterprise development.

The article is dedicated to the question of diversification and the influence of diversification on the company’s activity. In the article some approaches to the estimation of the effectiveness of diversification are examined. Economic and social aspects of diversification are also examined.

Keywords:  diversification, entrepreneurship, efficiency, development.  


Dankiv Y.Y., Ostapyuk M.Y., Dankiv V.Y., Yatsyshyn N.Z.

Innovations: formation, policy and modern strategic trends.

The concept of innovation is described, the review of existing types of innovation strategies and improved approach and propositions for their classification are given in the paper. The global and domestic experience of the innovative structures creation and operation are considered in the article. The methodology of the strategy type selection for the businesses in Ukraine on the basis of analysis and core characteristics is justified in the paper. Keywords: innovation, innovations, innovative product, priority innovative project, innovative company, innovative structure, innovation strategy, innovation policy, innovation cycle.  2 FINANCE AND BANKING   Kopylyuk O.I. Targets regional policy of the banking system and its development support tools. The essence of the regional banking system. Substantiates its main goals and objectives in the context of increased competitiveness of the regional banking products and increase of banking institutions in the region. Determined to regional policy instruments of the banking system, which include strategic planning, programming, taxation, targeting (monetary, currency, inflation), licensing, rating assessment, monitoring, diagnostic stability of the banking system, the evaluation of the economic feasibility of opening banks in the region and other.

Keywords: regional development policy banks, deposits, loans, effectiveness, strategic planning, programming  


Muzychka O.M.

Organizational and economic principles of forming the bank's interest rate policy.

Deals with economic substance, components, basic principles and the basic prerequisites for the formation of the bank 's interest rate policy. Concretized internal and external factors that affect the amount of the interest rates on loans and deposits. Based methods of managing interest rate risk, which should be reflected in the interest of institutions and policies to promote the identification, assessment, monitoring and minimizing risks. A development bank interest memorandum to capture elements of interest policy, its components, and management practices to minimize interest rate risk.

Keywords: interest rate policy, interest rate risk, interest rate, memorandum bank, liquidity, financial stability of the bank.  


Glukha G.Ya.

Income adjustment policy and its impact upon the state economic development.

 The article considers income distribution as one of the factors of state economic growth. The major terms and sources of public income formation have been identified. The ways and opportunities for income distribution to succeed in economic development have been analyzed. In addition as a separate category we regarded the following transfers: vertical inter budget transfers (to regulate misbalance between budgets of the higher and lower level) and horizontal ones – to focus upon one layer budgets unbalance).

Keywords: public income, economic growth, economic growth rates, income distribution, tax regulation.  


Rozmyslov A.N.,

Regulation of intergovernmental relations in the conditions of the concept of state regional policy in Ukraine.

In the article the basic question of the regulation of intergovernmental relations at the present stage of mutual relations in Ukraine at the regional and national levels. It was established that in the regional distribution of budgets in order to level the socio - economic development requires the use of mechanisms for regional identity. The study proposes to establish a principle of regulation of intergovernmental relations on the basis of professional communication intergovernmental relations that will enhance the efficacy of the concept of state regional policy in Ukraine.

Keywords: budget, income, expenses, territory, state, regional policy, intergovernmental fiscal relations.  


Bacho R.J., Illar E.J. Bacho E.J.

Formation of budget revenues Ukraine in present circumstances of crisis economy.

The article reveals the essence of state budget and reflected different approaches to disclosure of that economic category. The state of income budget of Ukraine during 20082012 was estimated. The author made generalizations about the need for differentiation of state budget revenues from various sources to provide greater stability and reduce the risk of a shortfall in revenue.

Keywords: State budget revenues, GDP, tax and non-tax revenues.  


Ohorodnyk V.O.

Category «finance»: threat to loss meaning and possibility of using metonymy.

The article considers the essential content of the category «finance». A compilation and analyze of interpretations of this definition were done in this paper in connection with its permanent transformation. For a better understanding of the term, attention has been paid to the historical origins of this category. The author attempts to identify threat to loss meaning and possibility of using metonymy to the category «finance». In this paper, the author expressed own interpretation of the term «finance».

Keywords: finance, relationships, money, capital, metonymy.  


Kvasnitska R.S.

Theoretical bases of concept "potential of institute of financial market".

The basic lines of concept "potential", that is pulled out by different scientists that  it is systematized in separate conceptual approaches, are distinguished in the article and analysed. Reasonably, that the inalienable constituents of potential, that provide realization of possibilities, are resources, facilities and capabilities, and realization of possibilities, id est the use of potential, has an obligatory having a special purpose orientation. Authorial interpretation of concept "potential of institute of financial market", that for today is not distinguished in the scientific revisions of scientists quite, is given.

Keywords: potential, possibilities, resources, facilities, capabilities, potential of institute of financial market.  


Fitas N.J.

Outsourcing in the banking.

The article examines questions in relation to the tendencies of the outsourcing development in a bank sphere, analyzes problem aspects of this. The attention is concentrated on the main possibilities and risks of application of outsourcing in the increase of efficiency of business. Also this article examines the necessity of outsourcing introduction and its use as effective instrument of management bank activity.

Keywords: commercial banks, outsourcing.  


Babydorych L.

Institutional environment of functioning the credit unions: prerequisites for the formation, essence and functions.

This article summarizes conceptual approaches to defining the essence of the concept of "institutional environment". The author proposed an approach to the essence of the institutional environment of functioning the credit unions, its structure and function.

Keywords: institutions, institution, institutional environment, formal rules, informal norms.  


Geche S.

The prediction model of the enterprise’s financial condition of the based on it’s financial performance.

The article shows that calculating forecasted financial and economic indicators play an important part in the progress of  sciencebased development strategies and improvement of the financial situation of the company in the future. An effective time series forecasting model is developed, which can be successfully applied to forecast financial performance and determine the financial condition of the enterprise.

Keywords: financial status, the coverage ratio, the absolute liquidity trend weight.  


Kozma I.I.

Сurrent status of life insurance market in Ukraine.

In the article the main trends of the life insurance market of Ukraine, the peculiarities of the current stage of its development are considered. Author determined the causes of capital flight from the life insurance market in crisis and postcrisis period. It has been underlined the high efficiency of external reinsurance life in Ukraine. The conclusion about insufficient development of the national life insurance market was made.

Keywords: life insurance, insurance market, competition, insurer, the National Commission for Regulation of Financial Markets.  


Tymchak M.V.

New approaches in regulation of the development of insurance entrepreneurship in region.

In the article the modern approaches to the regulation of the regional insurance market are considered. It has been given the characteristic of the author's approach to forming a model of regulation of the insurance business in the region, which includes six stages of its implementation. The author gave off the mechanism of realization of  the development and support program for the insurance entrepreneurship in the Transcarpathian region. The conclusion about the need for nonfinancial methods to ensure the institutional transformation of the insurance business in the region was made.

Keywords: insurance entrepreneurship, regulation, region, the National Commission for Regulation of Financial Markets.  


Krakivskiy Y.S.

Formation the effectiveness criteria of insurance services for the enterprises.

New types of insurance always cause different reactions, because questions of insurance efficiency are not simple. Every person has an own function utility estimation of the risks and model of defence property interests. However, any subjects of enterprises are interested declining of risks and probability of bankruptcy by forming of property reserve asset or making insurance payments. Researches efficiency of insurance making theoretic shere, that is why the work is actual and needs subsequent development.

Keywords: insurance, capital reserve, utility, bankruptcy, method for Houston.  


Legeza N.E.

Perspective directions of improvement the functioning of non-state pension insurance in Ukraine.

In the article the functioning of three-level pension system is described. The main areas of full implementation of the system in the modern realities of Ukraine are determined. The identified issues hindering its implementation, among which there are problems of corporate environment in NPF, AMC and AMC, problems of state regulation and low levels of financial literacy of population. The conclusion about the need of formatting of mandatory accumulation fund and the NPF system was made. It would contribute the creation additional motives for the economy to go out of the shadows.

Keywords: pension funds, collective investment institutions, the Pension Fund of Ukraine, the asset management company.  


Polovska V.

The financial component of the mountain areas development in the region.

The article updates the need for financial support to the development of mountainous areas of the region in order to create sustainable livelihoods. The analysis of capital investment and investment in housing in terms of natural and climate zones of the Transcarpathian region was made. The research revealed negative tendencies of investment resources reception at the local mountainous terrain of the region for the period 2000-2012 years.

Keywords: financial support, development of the mountain territories, capital investments, natural and climate zones of the region.  


Hapak N.M., Kapshtan S.A.

Features of determination of financial firmness of enterprise.

The different going is investigational near interpretation of essence of concept "financial firmness". Complex methodology of determination of financial firmness of enterprise is exposed. Research actuality is conditioned by the necessity of effective management of enterprises activity in the conditions of the modern state of economy, by imperfection of the theoretical, methodical and legislative providing of the effective functioning of enterprises.

Keywords: financial firmness, analysis of financial firmness, relative indexes, absolute indexes, threshold of profitability, supply of financial firmness, insufficient financial firmness, is surplus financial.  




Shpyrko O.

Comprehensive and systematic approach in analyzing and shaping of cash flows enterprises.

The article describes the procedure of accounting of electronic money using the new sub-account under recent changes in the law on accounting and requirements for the use of electronic means of payment , analyzes the inconsistencies and problems for accountant in the mapping of electronic money and the use of new products that offer banks to clients.

Keywords: electronic money, electronic means of payment, debit card, smart card.  


Kesarchuk  G.S.

Accounting outsourcing: concept, types, advantages and disadvantages.

The article examines and analyzes the main approaches to determining the nature of outsourcing. Studied its forms and types , and the essence of each. This definition of outsourcing in general and in particular accounting. Particular attention is given to the major shortcomings that hinder its development and uncovered benefits that contribute to its development in the domestic market. Found that the use of outsourcing will stabilize the company, effective use of its internal capacity, increase flexibility and adaptability to changes in the market environment.

Keywords: outsourcing, accounting outsourcing, types of outsourcing business processes.  


Yatsko M., Yatsko L., Dagulych O.

Accounting in budgetary institutions in the part of administrative services in conditions of reforming the system of the interaction of government and society.

The article attempts to analyze the nature and characteristics of administrative services, as a relatively new object of accounting in budgetary institutions. The essence of the object, especially its accounting in public institutions and the prospects for improving its methods of accounting. Analyzes of factors influencing the quality and timeliness of services. Justified by the need to improve certain elements of the mechanism of administrative services to better customer service.

Keywords: administrative services, accounting, customer payments for administrative services, customer commitments for administrative services.  


Juhas E.F., Popovych M.S.

Control and audit cashless payments of enterprises.

The scientific article gives consideration to the concept of "non-cash payments" as the main components of a modern market economy, study both positive and negative aspects of each transaction companies. It is proposed to determine its basic form. Investigate some aspects of the control of non-cash payments such as check transactions made in the accounts at the bank. The process detail funds in synthetic and analytical accounts of firms with a significant role monitoring of payments, the dynamics of receivables and payables.

Keywords: cash, money, cash flow, non-cash payments, invoices, control, business transactions, market economy, social impact.


Slyusarenko V.E., Filip K.O.

Peculiarities of taxation of VAT in Ukraine and Europe and its feasibility.

This paper investigated the characteristics and rates of value added tax in the tax systems of Ukraine and Europe. The basic pros and cons of tax. Analysis of the law of value added tax EU member states and Ukraine, especially the use of standard and reduced rates of tax. Attention is focused on the need to take account of the experience of European countries in the settlement mechanism for VAT in Ukraine.

Keywords: market economy, value-added tax, indirect tax.  


Kesarchuk G.S., Mashyka M.V.

Accounting of low-valuable and fast-wearing subjects: current problems and ways of improving.

In this article are considered the normative - legal framework of accounting of low-valuable and fast-wearing subjects. Served basic criteria for separation of low-valuable assets on the low-valuable and fast-wearing subjects and lowvaluable fixed tangible assets in accounting and tax accounting. Identify the theoretical and methodological basis of accounting of low-valuable and fast-wearing subjects-evaluation, recognition, classification. Indicate the main source documents of accounting of low-valuable and fast-wearing subjects and their purpose. Posted methods of an assessment of leaving of low-valuable and fast-wearing subjects, their advantages and disadvantages. Proved the necessity of improving the legislation - regulations of accounting of low-valuable and fast-wearing subjects.

Keywords: low-valuable and fast-wearing subjects, low-valuable fixed tangible assets, the law-regulatory framework, cost criteria.  


Zholobchuk I.

Sustainable development Ukraine’s economics: definition local environmental auditing in this concept.

The article investigates the concept of "sustainable development" and its interpretation. The Concept of sustainable development and the direction of its spread in the world and in Ukraine were described. Task of strategy for sustainable development for Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia were pointed. The value of environmental audit as a tool for sustainable development has been defined, that allows to point out the existing problems of environmental development and auditing The main directions of solving environmental problems have been stated, one of which is an environmental audit that will contribute to raising the level of the environment management. It was made the conclusion that the environmental audit in Ukraine should mainly be carried out to ensure compliance with legislation on environmental protection in the process of economic and other activities.

Keywords: sustainable development, audit, environmental audit, environment. 


Radchenko M.A.

Accounting of creation of online store.

The article elucidated the main aspects of reflection in accounting and tax accounting transactions for the creation and service of an online store as one of the most progressive forms of e-commerce is developing rapidly in Ukraine. According to the study stipulates what determines is use of certain accounts accounting, how a value of website consists and its depreciation is calculated, which legislative documents should pay attention to when using categories of e-commerce, and defined directions of work that need further study.

Keywords: online store, website, accounting, tax accounting, creation, hosting. 


Vasylyuk M.M.

The theory of quality in modern audit practice.

This paper reviewed and summarized the theoretical aspects of audit quality in Ukraine, reveals the genesis of the audit mission in society, the scientific opinion of specialists in audit, accounting and financial analysis, which allowed to identify a number of significant problems in the theory and practice of auditing. It was grounded components of audit quality in general for audit activities and mechanisms for their implementation. It was proved that the category of quality assurance serves important research subject of the modern theory of auditing and systematically problems of audit and quality control of modern auditing services.

Keywords: quality of audit services, quality control, auditing, accounting services.  




Hymynets V.V.

Place and role resort and recreation cluster in the sustainable development of the Carpathian region.

The cluster model of resort and recreation as a form of territorial organization promotes economic growth of Carpathian region. The article defines the resort and recreational cluster, analyzing its advantages over other structures of the regional complex, focuses on his relationships with innovation processes.

Keywords: Cluster, resort and recreational area, the Carpathian region, sustainable development  


Kovach V.I.

Specific of the Ukrainian-Slovak euro-regional trans-border cooperation.

The author substantiated the basic principles of the implementation of the Ukrainian-Slovak euroregional trans-border cooperation in whole and analyzed the specifics of the modern development. The article considers theoretical and juridical European aspects of the trans-border Ukraine-Slovakia cooperation. The role and place of euro-region in the system of the trans-border cooperation are defined.

Keywords: Ukraine, Slovakia, region, trans-border cooperation, euro-regional cooperation, trans-border regions.   


Molnar O.S., Vazhynskyy F.R, Romanovich I.S.

The role and place of tourism in socio-economic development.

This article is an overview the place and role of tourism in sustainable socio-economic development. The author analyzes the basic marketing activities for the development of tourism, the role and place of NGOs in its promoting. The differences in tourism advertising and identifies the specific features of advertisement in tourism are analyzed.

Keywords: tourism, rural tourism, tourism marketing, tourism advertising, advertising media, marketing, tourist and recreational complex, seven «P» of tourism product. 


Kulych I.

Preconditions and basic approaches to sustainable tourism development in Transcarpathia.

This article is based on detailed analysis of currently existing tourism infrastructure of the Transcarpathian region. It includes not only the main aspects of increasing the attractiveness of this area, but also attracting maximum number of tourists. Specific examples and suggestions are provided for the development of tourism in this region.

Keywords: tourism and recreational potential, tourism complex, tourism infrastructure, tourism services in the region , Carpathian area.  


Hazuda M., Erfan V., Gazuda S.

Features of the service area in the tourism sector.

This article outlines the regional features of development the tourism service. The present state of functioning of tourism activities in the domestic and foreign markets was analyzed and the provision of spa and wellness services in the region was investigated. The research detects reserves for the future expansion of the accommodation similar to the hotel (hostel, camping, agro hotel). Keywords: service delivery sphere, tourism and recreation, spa and wellness facilities, the subjects of tourism.  Zhulkanych V. Natural protected areas in the system of the environment protection in the border region. The paper considers the role of protected areas in the system of provision the environmental protection in Transcarpathian region. The objectives of expanded reproduction of natural reserves and national parks were highlighted; their environmental and socio- economic importance was outlined.

Keywords: natural protected areas, environmental protection, Transcarpathian region, environmental and socio -economic importance. 




Volkov V., Goroshkova L.

Small economic cycle: the theory and domestic practice.

The article explored the nature and features of small cycles of economic development of Ukraine. It is shown that these results can be used in modeling of economic processes in national economy and predicting the basic parameters of development.

Keywords: a business cycle, cycle of development, national economy, forecasting, modeling.  


Ponedilchuk T.V.

Analysis of capital investment dynamics in Ukraine’s economy.

The article defines the country’s investment climate. A critical analysis of the capital investments dynamics in the economy of Ukraine in 1991-2013 was performed. The investment climate state in Ukraine and its characteristics were studied. The main causes of the investment environment deterioration were found and the ways of improving the situation were proposed. The international investment position of Ukraine and its international ranking were analyzed.

Keywords: capital investment, investment climate, fixed assets investment, investment attraction, investment risks, investment climate analysis.  


Kovtun M.

Formation and development of Ukraine residential property market in terms of market transformations.

On the basis of such parameters as price dynamics, the number of transactions of purchase and sell, and state legislative framework the prerequisites, stages of formation and development of the domestic residential property market are investigates in the article. Peculiarities of market functioning and factors, which restrain it’s development in modern conditions are examined. The sign of cyclical phenomena defines in the residential property market. The main features that characterize the domestic residential property market at the present stage of its development are defined.

Keywords: residential property market, primary residential property market, secondary residential property market, demand, supply, price dynamics, development trend.  


Revko А.М. 

Purchasing power of wages as the basis of human potential.

The article examines the purchasing power of wages of population of Ukrainian regions as the economic basis of human development and economic orienting point establishment. Correlation of wage and living wage of working population at the mesolevel is consided. Our own definition of the notion «human potential» is presented. We proved that human potential is a regional category as it is formed and fulfilled on the territorial bases. Strategic areas of policy in increasing real purchasing opportunities for the population of regions of Ukraine are formulated.

Keywords: wage, living wage, minimum wages, purchasing power, the basis of human development.


Smochko V.Yu.

Market infrastructure as a factor of forming performance-driven competitive national economy.

The article analyses the views of foreign and national scientists as for the definition of market infrastructure in the economics literature and are found no single methodological approach in this problem. The basic methodological approaches and mechanisms of forming market infrastructure institutions, the effective functioning of which contributes to the growth of competitiveness of the regions of Ukraine and increase of productivity of the national economy as a whole. It examines dependence between the development level of market infrastructure and economics competitiveness. The author stressed over the complexity of the theoretical researches in the practical modernization of the market infrastructure of the national economics.

Keywords: competitiveness, market infrastructure, mechanisms of formation.   


Gudaokv О.K.

The analysis of technological and innovational conditions Ukrainian economy in the context of globalization.

This article analyzes the creation and using of innovations and technologies in Ukrainian economy in terms of global environment. The article presents data regarding the number and structure of organizations that provide scientific, technological and innovation activities. Here is available information on the structure and dynamics of the number of employees of organizations that provide R&D activity. Here is analysis the financing  of innovational activity. This paper describes the features of innovation and technological position in the metallurgical, chemical, machinery, textile and food industry in Ukraine. Here is available information on the importance of technoparks in improving the technological capacity of the Ukrainian economy. The article characterizes the using of information and communication technologies in Ukrainian companies.

Keywords: innovations, globalization, information and communication technologies, Ukraine, research and development, industrial parks, government funding, scientific specialists.  


Bojko Ya.M.

Education and innovation technologies.

In the article the author analyzes the trends in modern directions and character of implementation of innovative technologies in the existing educational process. Examines the factors of creative influence on the educational process. Selected basic approaches and principles to effectively use the system of implementation of innovative technologies in the process of management of the educational and scientific process.

Keywords: higher education, innovation, technology innovation, knowledge quality, creativity, informatization, parameters, development.