To publish an article in “Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series ‘’Economics” the following information should be e-mailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.:
1) scientific paper;
2) author’s reference;
3) scanned doctorate review;
4) receipt on payment for the cost of scientific article publication (after the editorial board acknowledge they take the article for publication).
After consideration and review the editorial board makes a decision to publish the article. An author is notified about editorial board decision by e-mail. Articles could be published only after editorial board acknowledgement about payment for publication.
Editorial board reserves the right to minor editing and cuts, keeping the results and author’s style.
- articles are published in Ukrainian, Russian and English;
- papers should be submitted in electronic version, Microsoft Word, font Times New Roman, letters height -14 pt, line spacing 1.5 computer interval. The paper size should be not less than 8 and no more than 16 pages;
- paper margins – on the left, on the right, on top and at the bottom -20mm, paragraph intend – 5mm;
- any information or statement in the paper including tables have to be supplied with references to the source of its origin. If they are the results of the author\s own research they should be accompanied with appropriate explanation data obtained;
- tables and figures should be placed after their first mentioning in the text:
- titles and numbers of tables are set on top left corner in boldface. Font data contained in the table should be - 12, line spacing - 1 computer interval;
- titles and numbers of figures are placed at the bottom on the left in boldface. Figures should be grouped and presented in spreadsheet format A-4 as a separate file, font -12.
- the first line to the left – UDC – is given in boldface without intents and paragraphs;
- one line after UDC in the center – full names of the authors ( surname, patronymic), academic degree and the title, position and full name of the employer( place of work), city, country (for foreign authors, contact phone numbers and e-mail addresses –written in boldface letters without intents and paragraphs;
- one line after the names of the authors – paper title in capital boldface letters without intents and paragraphs;
- one line after paper title –summary ( not less than 6, no more than 12 lines) and keywords (up to 10 words) in Ukrainian – given in italics, font size – 10 pt Times New Roman. Line spacing – 1 computer interval;
- one line after key words – the text of the article.
All structural parts of the text in the paper (based on the requirements to the Decree of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine (HACU) 15.01.2003g. №7-05.1). have to be in bold.
- introduction: formulation of the problem in general, description of its relation to important scientific and practical tasks;
- literature review: analysis of recent research and publications dealing with the considered problem that are used by the author in the text; description of the unresolved aspects of the problem considered in the article;
- statement of the article purpose;
- presentation of the main research data with full justification of scientific results;
- conclusions and prospects for further research;
- list of of sources.
ATTENTION! As far as the journal is included into the international bibliographic database, the list of references should consist of two parts: the list of sources and references.
THE LIST OF SOURCES should be presented in original language, designed according to HAC requirements. Examples of bibliographic description is given in the Bulletin of HAC of Ukraine, No3, 2008 (Form 23, pp. 9- 13 ) Links to the sources in the text are indicated with numbers in square brackets according to the numbering in the list of sources.
REFERENCES – list of sources transliterated in Roman alphabet and translated into English. If there are problems with reference design editors can help to solve them.
At the end of the article author’s paper (an abstract) in English and Russian has to be attached. Author’s paper should contain author’s surname and initials, article title, brief article content (not less than 250-350 words) and key words. Translation into English and Russian has to be authentic (not machine). In case of difficulties with translation editors could be helpful.
External doctorate review should be attached to the article!
Regulftion on reviewing and article admission procedure in the Scientific Bulletin of Uzhgorod University. Series «Economics»
1. This regulation defines the procedure for reviewing and admission of the articles submitted to the editorial office of the Scientific Bulletin of Uzhgorod University. Series «Economics».
2. The purpose of the review is to improve the quality of the scientific articles that are published in the Bulletin, through the assessment of the materials by highly skilled experts.
3. The review procedure is anonymous for both the reviewer and the authors and is carried out by two independent reviewers (double «blind» review).
4. All reviewers must comply with ethical requirements in the scientific publications of the Committee of ethics in publications and be objective and impartial.
5. The review highlights the following issues:
- whether the content of the article corresponds with the topic stated in the title;
- whether the content of the article corresponds with the thematic areas of the Bulletin;
- whether the content of the article has a certain novelty;
- whether the article corresponds with the scientific level of the Bulletin;
- what are the positive aspects, as well as the shortcomings of the article, which corrections and additions should be made by the author (if there are any).
6. Scientific articles are admitted to reviewing strictly in accordance with the «Procedure for the publication of articles», which have passed the primary control in the editorial office.
7. In case of remarks at the primary control stage, the article may be returned to the author for making necessary adjustments.
8. Subject to compliance of the above requirements, the manuscript of the article is transmitted to the executive editor.
9. The executive editor gives the article a registration code and deletes from it the information about the author (s) (article coding).
10. The encoded article is sent by e-mail:
a) to a member of the editorial board which is responsible for the scientific direction accordingly to the topic of the article;
b) to an external reviewer.
To external review are involved domestic and foreign Doctors of Sciences, which have scientific works on the problems, stated in the article. A letter asking for a review is sent to a scientist on behalf of the editor. The encoded article and a standard review form are attached to the letter.
An external reviewer is usually chosen randomly, based on his current load and with his consent.
11. A member of the editorial board and an external reviewer who received the encoded article fill in the standard form (Appendix 1) and choose one of the variants of the recommendation – recommended for publication; recommended for revision; not recommended for publication.
12. In case of a refusal or a need for revision, a reviewer/member of the editorial board should provide a reasoned explanation of the reasons for such a decision in writing.
13. The term of preparation of recommendations – within two weeks from the receipt of the article.
14. Recommendations of reviewers are sent by e-mail to the executive editor.
15. The final decision on the article is taken at a meeting of the editorial board, which is held once a week, consisting of: editor-in-chief, deputy editor-in-chief, executive editor and executive secretary. The decision is made taking into account the received reviews.
16. Further work with the article, which was admitted to publication, is carried out by the editorial staff in accordance with the technological process of preparing the Bulletin.
17. The editorial decision is sent to the author (s). The articles to be revised are sent to the author (s) along with the text of the review, which contains specific recommendations for the revision of the article. Anonymity of reviewers is guaranteed by the editorial staff of the Bulletin.
18. The revised version of the article is sent for re-reviewing. In case of a repeated negative result of the review, the article is rejected and is not subject to further consideration.
19. The editorial board does not enter into discussion with the authors of rejected articles.
20. Reviews and recommendations for each article are kept in the editorial office in electronic form within 2 years from the date of publication of the Bulletin, which contains the reviewed article.
21. Are not subject to review:
a) the articles by the authors (co-authors) which are the members of the editorial staff and the editorial board of the Bulletin;
b) the articles specially written by request of the editorial office.
Appendix 1
TITLE OF THE ARTICLE: _________________________________________________________
REGISTRATION NUMBER:________________________________________________________
№ |
Question for the reviewer |
Yes |
No |
Comment to the question |
1 | Does the topic correspond with the scientific profile of the Bulletin? |
2 | Is the topic scientifically relevant and practically useful? |
3 | Does the title of the article reflect its meaning and purpose? |
4 | Does the introduction contain clearly defined goals? |
5 | Is the scientific reasoning logical and convincing? |
6 | Are the results of the research presented methodologically correctly? Give suggestions if you think that some corrections and clarifications are necessary. |
7 | Do the conclusions reflect the results of the research fully and accurately? Do they show that they are new and offer suggestions for further research? |
8 | Can or should some parts of the article be shortened, deleted, expanded or redone? |
9 | Will you recommend some clarifications in terms of style and language? |
10 | Do the amount, quality and relevance of references satisfy you? |
Reviewer's Recommendation |
Recommended for publication Recommended for revision Not recommended for publication |
The number of coauthors should not exceed 3. Students’ articles ( in coauthor ship with the scientific adviser) are accepted for publication, though their number has not exceed 3 per issue. Selection is made on a competitive basis.
Along with the article AUTHOR’S CERTIFICATE with following information should be submitted:
Surname, name, patronymic of the author(s) |
Article title |
Thematic section of the article |
Choose from the following list:
Academic degree, academic title |
Place of work or studies, position |
Contact telephone number and e-mail address |
Mail address and number of Nova Poshta department to post the paper |
Additional hard copies of the publication (YES, number of copies/ NO) |
*In case the article is written in co-authorship, the information on each author should be given.
The article, review, and the copy of payment receipt (after the editorial board acknowledge they take the article for publication) should be sent to e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.