Miklovda V.P., Dyachenko B.I., Fera-Klemonca O.Y., Hordeychuk M.O.
Evolution of management activities and its peculiarities under modern conditions of entrepreneurship.
Peculiarities of entrepreneurship in the Ancient time during slavery and feudal systems and during capitalist system are analyzed. Comprehensive attention is paid to the analysis of a scientific category of ‘management’ taking into account various interpretations of it as well as to the ories of management, foreign experience of management under contemporary conditions.
Keyword: management activities, management, theories of management, foreign experience, scientific category, capitalist system, slavery system, feudalism.
Kuzmynchuk N.V.
Innovative development as a constituent of forming the competitiveness of industrial enterprises: theoretical aspect.
In the article the main scientific approaches to understanding the essence of the concept of “innovation development of the enterprise” are presented, its major characteristics are identified; the substance of such system components as "innovation" and "development" is analyzed. The competition as one of the main components of the market economy and innovative development as one of the key factors to ensure the competitiveness of industrial enterprises in the contemporary economy, an integral part of the most famous scientific concepts of creating a competitive advantage for enterprises are considered.
Keywords: innovation, development, innovative development, competitiveness, competitive advantages.
Telnov A.S., Popel S.A.
Role of intellectual capital in the innovation of enterprise development.
The article substantiates the role of intellectual capital as one of the main structural elements of the innovation development of an enterprise. The author investigates the tructure of intellectual capital. The structural elements of intellectual capital are analyzed on the example of enterprises of Khmelnitsky region.
Keywords: intellectual capital, human capital, customer capital, technological capital.
Larionova K. L., Donchenko T. V.
Actual aspects of the enterprise sanation potential estimation.
The main approaches towards the defining of the sanation potential are analized and estimation algorithm of the sanation potential is developed on the basis of the onducted nalysis in this article. The level of the enterprise sanation potential by means of the calculating of the integral indicator using the index and the estimation expert methods are roposed to define. This method provides the definition on the indicators system for the conducting of the sanation potential estimation by its components on the basis of the unctional approach.
Keywords: sanation, sanation potential, structure of the sanation potential, integral estimation, estimation expert method.
Andrieieva Ye.
The mechanism formation of organizational and managerial competitiveness of the enterprise engineering.
The mechanism of the formation of organizational and managerial otential competitiveness of enterprise engineering was made. It was proved that the degree of coherence of the structural elements of the mechanism and the adequacy of urrent competitive market requirements will depend on the degree of its effectiveness and achieve the purpose that was defined in ensuring sustainable competitive status of he company in the long term through the development and implementation of effective management decisions focused, systematic and adequate distribution and the use of ompetitive potential and competitive advantage.
Keywords: potential, mechanism, organizational and management potential, competitiveness, enterprise engineering.
Koliesnichenko A.
The mechanism for the state regulation of the relations between the subjects of the electric energy market.
An integrated mechanism of state regulation of relations between actors electricity market was developed based on the harmonization of economic interests by ensuring the efficiency of the electricity market and the interests of its stakeholders , taking into account the specifics of their work. Systematic approach to the formation of state regulation, which consists of a set of combinations of methods, criteria, tools and procedures, was grounded. It was proved that the establishment of relationships between certain parameters and interdependent components of the mechanism of regulation contributes to better adapt to changes in the external and internal environment. It was determined that the key task of building an integrated echanism of state regulation of relations between actors in the electricity market is to provide an optimal balance between the variables under consideration , modification and improvement of proportions between which facilitate the creation of a large variety of conditions and formation of variants to achieve this goal.
Keywords: mechanism, government regulation, the electricity market, the subjects of electricity market, the subject’s relationships of electricity market.
Valkova N.V.
Development of internet commerce in Ukraine: dynamics and factors influencing.
The paper explores the dynamics of e-commerce in Ukraine and defined its character. The analysis of the volume of e-commerce and the total retail trade turnover of the ountry has been made. The author studied consumer attitudes to online shopping and influence of Internet resources to the decisions of users.
According to research the factors influencing the development of e-commerce and functionality of website that affect the action of these factors by strengthening stimulating and neutralizing constraining ones.
Keywords: E-commerce, Internet-shop, site functionality.
Skurska V.A.
Some aspects of evaluation of labour potential of an enterprise.
The article considers the content, directions and evaluation instruments of labor potential of the company. Based on the clarification of the nature of the labor potential evaluation, its key areas are identified by the level of aggregation and by the object of analysis. Binding with approaches to evaluation, the author investigates the classification of indicators used in evaluation. The division of measures is analyzed by the rate of change and units of analysis, the base of comparison, and the level of generalization. The analysis of the stages of evaluation of the labor potential of the company is provided.
Keywords: labour potential of the company, components of the labor potential of the company, implementation of the labour potential of the company, assessing the labour otential, evaluation criteria, performance evaluation.
Tkachenko M.О.
Methodical approach is to forming of system of monitoring of innovative activity of industrial enterprise.
The management of innovative development of industrial enterprise must be accompanied the permanent looking after the object of management which does actual research of questions of forming and use of the innovative activity monitoring systems. There are theoretical bases of monitoring and feature of forming of the monitoring systems innovative activity are considered in the article, also there are monitoring system, intended for watching of changes in the level of efficiency of innovative activity of enterprises taking into account their financial position and corporate communications was built.
Keywords: monitoring system, innovative activity, process of innovative development, corporate copulas, system of indexes, innovative and operating charges.
Moshak O.
Legislative and regulatory support of enterprises agricultural industry.
In the offered article the current issues of legislative operation support of agricultural enterprises are analyzed. The peculiarities of the current legislation of Ukraine in the sphere of agricultural management are considered and defined, particularly the activity of agricultural enterprises, in the framework of their respective rights and industrial economic legal personality.
Keywords: legislative support, agricultural enterprises, normative acts, normative regulation, land reform, the right of ownership.
Makarovich V.K., Bydzylya I. I.
Labour productivity as quintessence of efficiency of labour activity.
In the article the conducted estimation of different approaches and stages of development of theory and practice of concept, essence, character and maintenance of the labour productivity. Double essence of the labour productivity is exposed: as descriptions of her productivity and efficiency of her use and about the necessity of understanding of account of this duality for economic evaluations, calculations, prognoses. Outlined looks of scientists are in relation to influence of factors on the labour productivity. The labour productivity as basis of efficiency of labour activity is distinguished, id est aggregate of the individual labour and productivity of organizationallytechnical facilities productivity.
Keywords: labour, productivity, labour productivity, products, making, labour intensiveness, increase of the labour productivity, effectiveness of labour, competitiveness.
Juhas E.F., Oleksyk O.I.
Economic essence and types of capital enterprise.
The economic essence of category «capital» is considered in the article . Definitions of these category are given by points of view both native and foreign authors and in-depth researches of its economic essence are conducted. main characteristics, which define characteristics of the application of the category «capital» are investigated, directly proceeding from practical plane. Own definition of examined category is given and the examples of economic essence and characteristics which classificate company's capital on various basics the examples of economic essence and characteristics which classificate company's capital on various basics are given.
Keywords: capital, structure of capital, financial resources, types of capital.
Hapak N.M. Dochynets I.V.
Essence and evolution of concept "economic security of enterprise".
The article is sanctified to the analysis of essence of concepts "economic security of enterprise" and to illumination of change of approaches in relation to interpretation of his maintenance. On the basis of undertaken a study maintenance of economic security of enterprise is exposed and her typical factors.
Keywords: economic security, enterprise, factors of economic security of enterprise, economic threats.
Zhulkanych М.О., Zhulkanych N.O.
Monitoring of earths of agricultural setting in system of agrarian land-tenure.
In the article the role of monitoring of earths of the agricultural setting is exposed in the system of permanent agrarian land-tenure. It is marked the tasks of government control of the landed relations in the process of providing of the rational use of earths of the agricultural setting.
Keywords: monitoring, landed resources, steady development of land-tenure.
Zavadjak R., Kopusyak J.
Theoretical bases of operation and kinds of business incubator in Ukraine.
The article is devoted to the concept and nature of operation of business incubators. Analyzed the types of business incubators in Ukraine and analyzes their differences. The article deals with the functions of business incubators also analyzed the status of development of business incubators in Ukraine. It shows the functional tasks of business incubators in providing services to small businesses. Analyzed and shown pattern design process of territorial business incubator.
Keywords: business incubator, technology park, technopolis, industrial zones, venture incubators, export orientation zone.
Cherlenyak I.I., Diugowanets O.M.
Formation of global financial crisis and development of risk management.
This article is devoted to research the nature and importance of risk management in a crisis, the main risks inherent in the current financial and economic crisis and the causal relationships between them are singled out. The purpose of the authors is to analyze the main lessons to be learned from the financial crisis to improve the management of financial risks.
Keywords: risk management, financial crisis, lessons, financial risk, financial innovation, systemic risk.
Laschak V.
Financial mechanisms for consumer protection.
Consumer protection during the integration process in a globalized economy is an urgent problem of state regulation. Methodological approaches to consumer protection based on legal principles assessment actions that took place in most cases are not taken into account the underlying economic conditions that affect the quality and functional characteristics of consumer goods and transformed according to satisfaction or dissatisfaction of consumers' expectations of purchased items. Depending on the passage of goods in temporary space should make a ranking of consumer protection as a specific control process for the previous, current and subsequent phases with certain inherent capabilities of the state to influence the quality and functional characteristics of the goods. At each of these stages need to apply their specific financial leverage mechanism for consumer protection, designed within the existing economic theories of self-regulation of the market and the state's influence on the market, with the help of market (competitive) market instruments and no impact on quality.
Keywords: consumer protection, financial mechanism and levers implementation.
Poberezhna N., Koliesnichenko A.
Foreign experience of the monetary policy and features application of certain banking system aspects in Ukraine.
The features of the monetary policy of economically developed countries as guidelines for the development of an effective banking system were analyzed. It was defined the objectives of the domestic market of banking services under the terms of the domestic financial market. It was proved that the banking sector is one of the leading parts of the financial system. The further development of Ukraine's economy, the ability to access international markets and active participation in the globalization process depends on its stability. It was proved that the problems of the banking sector will not only hinder the development of entrepreneurship, promote the production declined, but also lead to economic decline in all sectors of the economy. It makes the need to use the experience of countries with developed market economies, encouraging domestic roducers and to develop their own state programsfor the improvement of bank relationships. These facts would help increase stability and economic growth in Ukraine.
Keywords: international experience, monetary policy, banking system.
Stojka V.S.
Problems of capitalization of Ukrainian commercial banks in the modern context.
The article is devoted to the problems of capitalization of Ukrainian commercial banks in the modern context. Such concepts as “banking capital” and “capitalization of banks” have been considered on basis of different approaches of foreign and domestic scientists. The dynamics of money stock of Ukrainian commercial banks and its correlation with the amount of statutory capital as well as the bank loans and gross domestic product has been analyzed. According to the analysis key problems of capitalization of Ukrainian commercial banks have been outlined and the guidelines considering resolving these problems have been suggested.
Key words: capitalization, banking capital, owned capital, capital adequacy, commercial banks.
Cherkasova S.V.
Estimation investments of institutional investors of non-bank financial sector to securities.
The article considers the investment activity of non-bank institutional investors on the domestic stock market. The value of non-bank institutional investors’ portfolio of securities is determined. Comparisons the investments of banks and non-bank institutional investors on the stock market are done. The priorities securities in portfolios of nonbank institutional investors are determined. The done conclusion is about not enough roles of non-bank financial institutions in development of domestic stock market.
Keywords: institutional investor, non-bank financial sector, investments, securities, shares, bonds, state securities, portfolio of assets.
Matvijchuk L.
Economic nature and methodological approaches to forming life insurance reserves.
The article outlines the structure of life insurance reserves as well as nature and peculiarities of forming long-term liabilities and reserves of adequate payment of insurance premiums. The normative legal base which regulates the process of insurance reserves for life insurance in Ukraine is systematized and the procedure of their registration is defined. The author considers features of actuarial calculations and possible ways of their development in Ukraine. Their main tasks in the process of accumulating analytical data for making managerial decisions are defined.
Keywords: life insurance, life insurance reserves, long-term liabilities, actuarial calculations, adequate payment of insurance premiums.
Bacho R., Illar E., Bacho E., Maroshi Zh.
Peculiarities of conducting and analysis of the effectiveness of property insurance operations of an insurance company.
The article is devoted to the assessment of citizens’ property insurance within the portfolio of "ASKO-Donbas Pivnichnyj" insurance company. Assessment of regional peculiarities of formation of insurance premium receipts has been made. Attention is focused on the unfavorable impact of military operations in eastern Ukraine on the formation of the insurer’s income. The article analyzes the insurer’s insurance portfolio concerning its formation on the basis of citizens’ property insurance types. The conclusion of high risk of property insurance types in the forming of insurer’s insurance portfolio has been made.
Keywords: insurer, insurance premiums, risk, insurance portfolio, property insurance of citizens , insurance enterprise.
Sidelnykova L.P.
Conceptual basis for the formation of the state budget resources.
Theoretical and methodological bases of forming of budgetary resources of the state are considered; the methods of accumulation of resources of budget are investigated; factors which influence on the structural decomposition of budgetary resources are grounded; dominant components of forming of the Consolidated budget of Ukraine in the modern terms of instability of domestic fiscal space and deepening of disbalances of state finances are certain; priority of choice of tax-debt sources of financing publicly necessary charges is described. Keywords: budget resources, tax revenues, nontax revenues, government borrowing, money issue, Consolidated Budget of Ukraine. Horobets I.Yu. The efficacy and improvement of the budgetary policy areas in its implementation at the regional level. In the article the main directions of the development the fiscal policy of the state are grounded on the basis principles of the construction the fiscal policy of the country. The author investigates the effectiveness of the fiscal policy and justifies the necessity of decentralization. It has been proposed a feasibility of implementing innovative approaches to managing budget resources of the region at the regional level.
Keywords: the principles, the fiscal policy, the decentralization, the budgetary resources, innovative approaches.
Susidenko О. V.
Methods and criteria for development and improving financial security enterprise.
The article is devoted to the problems of financial security of enterprises. The author considered kinds of threats, identified key requirements for the criteria to ensure inancial security. The methods and criteria for improving the financial security entities, financial instruments and tools are investigated. The author proposed his own vision of dominants for providing financial security industry. Keywords: financial security, methods, criteria, financial security threat, the dominant ensure financial security. Kondyuh O.I. Theoretical aspects of functioning of tax tool of the state. In the article a tax tool as set of tax instruments for realization of tax politics by government bodies has been considered. Also the expedience of functioning tax tool. The criteria of classification of tax instruments are defined. The classification of tax instruments for more deep study of their characteristics are resulted. It offers own vision of «tax tool». Theoretical principles of the use of tax instruments are generalized in domestic tax politics.
Keywords: tax tool, fiscal leverages, instruments of tax regulation, state budget.
Uhryn V.
Tax debt imbalances and their expression structuring in Ukraine.
The behavior and interests of taxpayers and the government through its authorized regulatory bodies in the field of taxation are investigated. The paper reflects that these interests quite often aren’t the same, and such imbalance is the preface for emergence and growth of the tax debt. The causality of an imbalance in interests of the government and taxpayers is built. Additionally, domestic imbalances are present in the structure of tax debt. Hence, the focus of the paper is on reviewing the tax debt imbalances. A specific approach to structuring such imbalances is proposed.
Keywords: tax, tax debt, imbalance of interests, tax debt imbalances.
Novosiolova O.S.
The genesis of the state debt of Ukraine and national trends of debt policy.
In the article the stages of periodization of Ukrainian state debt, the fundamental tendencies of formation and accumulation of public and publicly guaranteed debt aredescribed. Proposals on optimization of the domestic debt policy aimed at the reduction of domestic and external public debt and intensification of use of the borrowed funds are given.
Keywords: public debt, guaranteed by the state debt, state borrowings, debt policy, state budget.
Dalievska T.A.
Financial support of local government as an autonomous institute in intergovernmental system.
The article defines the financial support of local government as an autonomous institution in modern terms of market reforms. It was determined that one of the specific features of local government is to have an adequate amount of own resources and powers of local government. The article analyses the structure of budget revenues of regional centers of Vinnitsa region.
Keywords: Local government, budgets of local government, local council, institute of financial support, inter-governmental relations.
Slyusarenko V.E.
The tax system and the tax burden as a factor in the shadow economy.
The process of toning the Ukrainian economy, which greatly impedes socio- economic development of the country, creating an economic threat. Analyzes the official estimates of the effects of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, Ukrainian and foreign experts. Focused on toning factor of Economy of Ukraine, namely the major ones - the tax burden. The article investigates the experience of foreign tax systems, the comparative analysis of taxes and fees in the Czech Republic, the United Arab Emirates and Ukraine .Also the ways of reforming the national tax system as a major factor in combating toning economy.
Keywords: shadow economy, tax system, the tax burden.
Ihnatyshyn M., Troschak V.I.
Tax control as an element of state regulation in the tax payments.
The article is devoted to the study of organizations as tax control element in the system of state regulation of tax payments. Authors state that it is impossible to obtain maximum regulatory and fiscal effect only through the internal elements of tax. Even the most advanced taxes in economic and legal terms are often not effective in the absence of proper control by the state for their calculation and payment.
Keywords: tax management, tax rates, tax audits, efficiency of tax inspections.
Bacho R., Tymchak M., Illar E., Bacho E.
Assessment of development tendencies for the citizens’ property insurance in Ukraine.
This article reveals the current state of development of the citizens’ property insurance in Ukraine, assesses trends in its development. Voluntary and mandatory property insurance of citizens has been extracted and analyzed. It has been defined, that insured citizens to a lesser extent able to exercise their rights in relation to the insurance payments for property insurance than insured legal persons. In the article has been noted the particular reduction of citizens’ land transport insurance, due to the suspension of credits for public by credit institutions because of hryvnia’s devaluation, rising of interest rates, insurance rate, costs of spare parts and maintenance services of vehicles, fuel price rising, incomes reduction.
Keywords: property insurance, land transport insurance, property insurance of citizens, risk management, mandatory and voluntary property insurance of citizens, State Commission for Regulation of Financial Services Markets of Ukraine.
Lintur I., Kovach Ch.
Ways to reduce credit risk as the direction of minimizing their negative impact.
The article is devoted to the characterization of credit risk in the banking business as a whole, and finding effective ways to reduce credit risk. Determining the most effective and most common ways to analyze credit risk and select the desired measurement techniques. Delineation of interior and exterior areas minimization. Finding ways to reduce the negative impact of credit risk in banking in general.
Keywords: credit risk, management risk, credit risk standards , minimize credit risk.
Dankiv Y.Y., Krupka Y.D., Ostapyuk M.Y., Hetman O.M.
Accounting information in the management of investment activities.
The article deals with the most pressing issues of investment accounting in firms, corporations and companies. The basic approaches of the formation and use of investment
resources, their accounting and disclosures in the financial statements within the accounting standards are described in the paper. Implicit headship of the accounting as innovation system for management decisions are emphasized in the article. Methodological aspect of sharing and disclosure of information resources is characterized in the paper.
Keywords: accounting information, investment resources, accounting, management system, evidence, comparability, accounting systems, indicators, accounting, information security, information users, investors, investment attractiveness.
Zamula I.V., Shavurskaya О.V.
Accounting for forest management. Controversial issues related to determining nature of forest resources have been identified and analyzed.
Attention was paid to the formation of its information background, including the development of accounting system. Suggested methods of accounting for forest resources will help in maximizing transparency of rules of forming the necessary information background that will stimulate interest and raise the confidence of foreign users to information on the activities of domestic enterprises and the country as a whole in terms of their impact on the environment. Order of accounting transactions of the reproduction process and logging during felling has been suggested.
Keywords: forest resources, forest management, sustainable development, accounting.
Semyon V.S.
Peculiarities of using situation and matrix modeling in accounting.
In the article there are investigated the problems of using modeling in accounting, established the possibility of effective applying the mathematical devices for reforming, harmonization and unification of accounting systems. There is proposed the methodology for adjustment of accounting information of the Ukrainian enterprises into the
information according to the international or national legislation which is based on the situation and matrix modeling which provides the possibility of keeping accounts regardless of national peculiarities of accounting systems. There are determined the principal formulas of balance sheet reports in the system of situation and matrix accounting.
Keywords: accounting, mathematical method, matrix, International Accounting Standards, modeling, accounting systems, situation and matrix accounting.
Yatsko M., Yatsko G.
Consoliated financial statements in the face of rising competition. Abstract.
This paper argues the case for the preparation of consolidated financial statements of companies in an increasingly competitive on the domestic and foreign markets. Analyzes the complex factors that lead to increase the value of the consolidated financial statements in management. The peculiarities of legal regulation of the consolidated financial statements in Ukraine under current conditions.
Keywords: market, competition, group companies, parent, subsidiary, the consolidated financial statements, legal regulation of the financial statements.
Kulikova N.T.
Systems approach to forming managerial reporting.
Management of an entity is not possible without the use of a wide range of information, but the accounting financial, tax, statistical records that are strictly regulated by
law, can not provide such information management system, which creates a need to build a separate subsystem management accounting practice and its theoretical justify the level of science. The article deals with the essence of the concept of information security, in terms of the following aspects of the system approach: elemental, tructural, functional, purposeful, resources, international, communicational, historical.
Keywords: management reporting, systems approach, information management, information support.
Chernin О.Ya.
Accounting operations of goods in transit trade.
The paper investigates the order of participation wholesale enterprises in the transit trade. Author determined the order of participation wholesalers in transit turnover involving the calculations and without participation in the calculations. The issue of transfer of ownership of the goods in transactions of sale of goods in transit trade is investigated. The article considered the state of scientific research concerning accounting transactions for the sale of goods in transit. It is revealed the features and provided suggestions to improve accounting operations from the sale of goods in transit from participation in the calculations.
Keywords: goods, product turnover transit trade, transit trade, wholesale enterprise.
Juhas E.F., Mashyka M.V.
Value of receivable and payable in the conditions of the market relations.
In the article are considered the nature and certain types of classification of debt receivable and payable of the company. Given definitions of these concepts in terms of the various authors and conducted depth research of their economic nature. Determine the impact of receivable and payable on the solvency and financial stability of the company. Proved the necessity of conducting the comparison of indicators of receivable and payable and necessity to manage them in the conditions of the market relations.
Keywords: receivable, payable, classification оf receivable, classification of payable, management receivable and payable, market relations, solvency, financial stability.
Madzinova R., Marcincakova D., Kozel R.
The influence of terms of trade on country welfare. International trade has large influence on development of country.
In the article the done attempt to find some term-of-trades that influence on to welfare of country. 174 countries are investigational authors from the whole world and 4 groups (clusters) of countries are distinguished: the first cluster is poor countries, second are middle and rich countries, the third cluster is the richest countries in the world. One of clusters (fourth) was created specially for the USA. From every cluster a few countries that present this cluster were chosen. On the basis of the use of regressive analysis and to the Pirsons’ coefficient influence of term-of-trades is an investigational author on welfare of country (a basic measuring device is a gross national receipt).
Keywords: welfare of country, gross national receipt, term-of-trades, rich countries, middle after sufficiency countries, poor countries.
Harkushenko O.M.
Regulation of the solid household wastes' generation and treatment: necessity or a factor of political pressure.
An analysis of the practice of state regulation of solid household wastes' generation and treatment on the example of the USA and Ukraine is conducted in the article. It is defined, that on the modern stage of society's development this regulation is redundant and is due to the political pressure of voters on the authorities in the USA, as long as in Ukraine this regulation is insufficient. Directions of improvement the sphere of solid household wastes in Ukraine are offered.
Keywords: solid household wastes, regulation, pollution of the natural resources, economic instruments of the environmental regulation.
Nosyriev О.О.
Stabilization structural economic imbalances.
This article analyzes the existing structural imbalances in the economy of Ukraine and substantiation stabilize and uniformity of economic development in national, regional and in sections. The author investigates structure of Ukraine's GDP in dynamics and by final use categories, presents promising areas of economic policy, which could be a catalyst for economic growth. Outlines the current state of industrial development, and analyzes the competitiveness of regions of Ukraine as a whole and for the individual components.
Keywords: regional development, competitiveness, "growth poles", regional disparities, the gross domestic product.
Kushnir N.O., Dyachenko B.I.
An association UKRAINAEU: potential benefits and possible risks for the economy of Ukraine.
Potential economic values and possible risks for the Ukrainian economy after signing of economic part of Agreement about an association between Ukraine and EU are light up in the article. Pluses and minuses from European integration of Ukraine are analysed. The comparative analysis of gross domestic product in a calculation on one person in the separate European countries of former socialistic camp, what already members of the EU and countries of the CIS is carried out.
Keywords: Agreement about an association, free trade zone, European integration, European Union, Ukraine.
Shinkar V., Sidak S., Yatsko G.
Correction for positions on Ukraine European integration prospects..
This paper analyzes the current state of relations between Ukraine and the European Union, particularly the economic component of the process of Ukraine's integration into the EU. It provides the outline possible ways to integrate Ukraine into the European Union. Keywords: European Union, customs duties, free economic zone, Integration, foreign economy vector, Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU. Bashynskyi T. Living Standards of the population: an overview of methods evaluation. This article is devoted to a critical analysis of existing methodologies to assess the standard of living. The author compares the concept of “standard of living” and “quality of life” based on the achievements of others in this regard. The basic principles of evaluation of living standards are considered. The paper provides a comparative description of the main techniques proposed in Ukrainian and Russian scientific literature using several criteria, including the difficulty of obtaining data, required skill level for data analysis, and the reliability of the results. Based on the selected advantages and disadvantages of these methods, the author proposes his solutions to problems and outlines future directions of research.
Keywords: living standards, well-being, quality of life, social policy, methods of evaluation of living standards.
Volynets U. A.
The development of social partnership in Ukraine.
Annotation The article deals with the concept, importance and principles of social partnership, the world's major social partnership model; we study its essential characteristics. The problems of social partnership in Ukraine and made some suggestions for their solution. Generation and improvement of the social partnership provides a productive social interaction main subject of labor relations by aligning their interests as legitimate, democratic, non-violent means. Choosing a model of social partnership is characterized as largely determines basic trends of both their own labor relations and social situation in the country as a whole.
Keywords: social partnership, social order, ocial dialogue and collective bargaining.
Kovach V.I.
Theoretical issues of the euro-regional transborder cooperation among Ukraine and Slovakia.
The author substantiates the theoretical basic of the implementation of the Ukrainian-Slovak euro-regional transborder cooperation in whole and analysis of the specifics of the modern innovative development. The article considers theoretical and juridical European aspects of the trans-border cooperation of Ukraine and Slovakia. The main forms of trans-border clusters in the system of the trans-border cooperation are defined. In the article the author proposals the trends in modern directions and character of implementation of innovative forms of trans-border cooperation for example in the trans-border region.
Keywords: Ukraine, Slovakia, trans-border cooperation, region, cluster.
Ponedilchuk T.V.
Analysis of the inflation dynamics of in the post-crisis period of Ukraine's economy.
The main causes of inflation in the conditions of post-crisis development of Ukrainian economy (2008-2013) were examined and the factors that provoke the inflationary bursts were analyzed. Also, the attention was paid to the dynamics of economic growth, because this particular index allows characterizing the dynamics of the main economic indicators of the national economy. As a result of the study, the systemic and structural contradictions in the economic development of Ukraine, which are inherent in this period, were identified. It was found that hyperinflation and deflation counteract with economic growth. Therefore, the National Bank of Ukraine should set such an inflation corridor at which the gross domestic product will reach its maximum value.
Keywords: inflation, inflation factors, consumer price index, monetary policy, economic growth, gross domestic product, deflation.
Masligan E.A.
The balanced scorecard as modern paradigm of system description of cluster activities.
The many enterprises in cluster are in intercommunication and interdependence. Therefore the system crisis of one of them can cause the «effect of domino». For this reason, it is necessity to development the new conceptual model of management clusters is formed of high-quality. That is expedient to carry out by approach of the systems to its forming. It must foresee many-sided, integral description of case frame as systems management. Therefore the paradigm of system description of activity a cluster and his participants (as autonomous units) has been outlined as the aim of the article. It is established, that the Balanced Scorecard the most expedient paradigms (model) of system description a cluster activities and its autonomous participants. It’s forms on basis elements of system description – the complex instruments that transformer the target of autonomous participants in cluster task and cluster Key Performance Indicators. Such base elements of system description it is expedient to consider: the system of determination, the decoupling aims and balancing aims, the complex instruments of «aimsfacilities»; «aims-criteria», the intercommunications of substantial factors and the structure of periods of time; the infrastructures of responsibility; cascading systems of control indicators; the systems of collection and analysis of data.
Keywords: cluster, effect of domino, model, system description.
Morokhovych V.S.
Statistical analysis of the factors birth rate of population Transcarpathian region.
In the article analyzed the dynamics of birth rate of population Transcarpathian region. Built the adapted correlationregressive model which will allow in numbers to estimate influence of the most essential factors on the level of birth rate population in the region, and obtain reliable estimates of future levels of effective signs for the future under various conditions of social and economic development of country.
Keywords: region, prognostication, coefficient of birth rate, correlation-regressive analysis, equation of regression.
Pityulych M.M., Paush M.M.
Diversification of economy of mountain areas and politician of employment of population.
The article assesses the state of the local labor markets of mountain areas in the Carpathian region, in particular the analysis of labor supply and demand in these districts. The authors suggest methodological approaches to
diversify the economy of mountain areas, disclosed the relationship to diversify the economy, politics and
employment income, conception of economic development which will assist the balanced development of mountain territories in such directions is offered, as: to socialeffective, resursesaved, scientific, ecologicallysaved.
Keywords: diversification, mountainous areas, labor market, employment, economy.